Underwriters Laboratories (UL) has announced a revision to standard UL 943 that will take effect on June 29, 2015. This revision requires that all UL certified Class A residential and commercial grade wallbox mounted GFCI have:
- An auto-monitoring function that will allow for periodic automatic testing (self-test) of the GFCI device and its ability to respond to a ground fault. If a problem is detected the GFCI will disconnect power to anything connected to it or indicate that there is a problem using visual or audible means.
- Provisions to ensure that receptacle type GFCIs that contain separate line and load terminals, and that is powered through its load terminals, shall not reset and supply power to its receptacle face or line terminals if miswired. This applies both during its initial installation and after reinstallation following a correctly wired installation. If the device is provided with special instructions for removal and reinstallation, the instructions shall be followed during testing.
Visit the Leviton website at //www.leviton.com/OA_HTML/SectionDisplay.jsp?section=66915&minisite=10251 for more information about these new standards.